Association for Livelihood Actions in Kumaun Himalayas – ALAKH is a self reliant cooperative registered under Section 3 of ‘Uttaranchal Self Reliant Cooperative Act – 2003’ in Dhari Block of District Nainital (Uttarakhand). The registration number of our cooperative is 136/24-01-2019. ‘ALAKH’ Self Reliant Cooperative works legally according to the following seven principles prescribed in law for a self reliant cooperative:

  1. Voluntary and open membership
  2. Democratic member control
  3. Member economic participation
  4. Autonomy and independence
  5. Education, training and information
  6. Cooperation in cooperatives
  7. Concern for community

We are involved in integrated rural development and livelihoods in the Central Himalayan region of Uttarakhand. We aim to create small business entrepreneurships amongst rural communities through modern techniques and sustainable practices.

The ‘ALAKH’ SRC is an open voluntary organization for all those who are able to use the services provided by the cooperative. Along with this, accept the responsibilities of membership with consent without any gender discrimination, caste discrimination, social, political or religious discrimination.

Our Goal and Objective:

The objective of ‘ALAKH’ Self Reliant Cooperative is to explore employable opportunities for the rural communities of hilly areas through optimum utilization of locally available natural resources, promotion of farm business and industrial prosperity. ‘ALAKH’ works for maximizing the use of sustainable techniques, conservation of indigenous knowledge and cultural diversity, promotion of local crafts and artisans, value addition and selling of local products at national and international level. These employable opportunities will help to control migration of young generation from the region and to make the necessary changes in lifestyle of mountainous people. Our goal is to train local mountainous people and build their capacities in rural business operations; production, value addition and marketing of rural products as well as arts and crafts.

Founder Board:

  1. Dr. Narayan Singh – Founder/ President
  2. Ganesh Singh Bisht – Founder/ Secretary
  3. Pankaj Singh Bisht – Founder/ Treasurer/ Chief Executive Officer
  4. Sanjay Singh Bisht – Founder Member/ Former Vice President
  5. Arjun Singh Bisht – Founder Member/ Director Member
  6. Chandan Singh Bisht – Founder Member/ Director Member
  7. Sanjay Bisht – Founder Member/ Advisor
  8. Dr. Tara Singh Bisht- Founder Member/ Advisor
  9. Hemant Singh Karki– Founder Member/ Former Treasurer