Integrated farm based livelihoods

Agriculture and Horticulture:

Promotion of traditional food grains, mountain cereals, mountain pulses, temperate fruits, vegetables and mountain spices in the rural areas. We encourage rural-mountainous farmers to grow local and chemical free farm-produce using organic cultivation practices and further we collect it from our associate farmers. Thus we connect them to a local market where they can sell their produce in a premium price and save several costs; e.g. packaging, transportation, middleman commission, and other hidden costs.

Herbs Cultivation:

Production of culinary herbs, medicinal and aromatic plants is very good livelihood option in mountain areas. Where too much attack of wild animals in cereal, pulses, vegetables and fruit crops, there we motivate farmers not to leave their cultivable land barren. They can go for the cultivation of culinary herbs, medicinal and aromatic plants to utilize their land resources in a better way. For which we provide them technical know-how and a local market where they can sell their quality raw produce.

Plantation of Fodder Species and Forage crops:

Usually the green fodder is seasonally available to the milking animals in mountain region. Farmers can opt the cultivation of improved fodder grasses and green leafy fodder trees to make it available round the year. Farmers can see and learn from the demonstrations of various improved fodder grass and trees at ALAKH’s demonstration farm.


Promotion of animal husbandry, dairy, poultry and fishery is also being done by us at our demonstration farm. Mountain farmers can choose these livelihood options for their income enhancement. These options will also help them to ensure their food and nutritional securities.