Women Empowerment

We encourage rural women to be associated with our cooperative and we make efforts to build their capacities towards leadership and business ownership. To see our key approaches for women empowerment please refer to the following:

    • Formation of Self Help Groups: We create the self help groups (SHGs) of rural women and encourage them to be organized and associated with our cooperative through various livelihood interventions. Our team randomly attends their monthly meetings to support them. They do regular micro-savings on monthly basis and rotate the saving-funds through inter-loan amongst group members with a pre-fixed rate of interest.
    • Bank Linkage: We assist SHGs to open their bank accounts, so that they can deposit the saving amounts in banks. We encourage them to avail banking services for saving and credit mobilization. We also build their capacities for better financial utilization and entrepreneurship development to earn recurring income.
    • Training and Capacity Building of SHGs: We train our associated SHG-members/ cooperative members on entrepreneurship development, enterprise set-up, business planning, product development and small business operations. So that SHG members can utilize their free time for income generating activities.


Knowledge Enhancement and Entrepreneurship Development:

  • On seeing the successful models created by cooperative we promote them amongst the community for up-scaling. We also spread the knowledge and process of implementation of such good models. We train our associate farmers/ members for entrepreneurship development and business operations. We use digital media platforms, social media, print media and other possible ways to deliver the right information of our interventions, products and services.