Conservation of Natural Resources

Along with optimal utilization of locally available natural resources, we also work to conserve them. The major acts are as follows:

Water Conservation:

We encourage farmers for developing low cost water harvesting ponds to store the water for life support irrigation to the important crops, bio-mass mulching, trenching and other innovative ideas for water management.

Land Rejuvenation:

Rejuvenating barren land and production of potential crops by optimal utilization of land resources.

Soil Conservation:

Soil health management is very important aspect for farm based livelihoods. We promote organic practices in crop cultivation and also bio-composting techniques to form quality farm yard manure (FYM) to be added in the soil. It helps to increase soil fertility and the water retention capacity of soil. We train our associate farmers for better soil health and management practices. We always give preference to the latest technologies and innovative ideas.

Environment Conservation:

This is the true fact that without a safe environment we can not be healthy and prosperous. For environmental sustainability we encourage community members and our associate farmers for more plantations of trees. Either in collaboration with various government schemes, non government organizations (NGOs), Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and other organizations or from our own resources every year we do the plantation of minimum thousand trees to help protecting our environment.